(Testimony's Ghost Rider x Arctic sun at Mystic Fire)
DoB: May 17, 2021
|FCI Hips: 0/0| FCI Elbows: 0/0 |OCD: neg.|
DOV(eyes)2021/2022/2023 clear
CEA | PRA-prcd | HSF4 | DM| CD | HUU | CMR1| NCL6| PCD| MDR1|clear | PHA .|
M Lokus SILV SINE: m/M (268)
|Height 20.8 inches(53cm)| Weight 50.7pounds (23kg)|
|full dentition| scissors bite|
|ASCA: reg.| FCI: CMKU/AUO/7703/21|
Co-owned by Mystic Fire
8.1.2022 NDS Brno puppy class VP1/2
5.2.2022 IDS Brno puppy class VP1/5
6.3.2022 KCHMPP Lysá nad Labem Junior class Exc. 2/11
2.4.2022 IDS České Budějovice junior class Exc. 2/6
9.4.2022 NDS Brno junior class Exc.2/6
30.4.2022 KCHMPP Club show junior class Exc.3/15
7.-8.5.2022 Club show KCHBO Bochovice junior class, Exc./8 + Exc.3/6
16.-.18.7.2022 ASVA Show HOT SUMMER SHOW, 12-15 class,2x 1st place
5.-7.8.2022 Prague (CZ) junior class Exc. 2xCAJC, Crufts nominated
11.9.2022 IDS Lendava, intermediate class Exc.1 CAC
17.9.2022 IDS Klatovy junior class Exc.1 CAJC new JCh of Czech Republic
7.-9.10.2022 Vrtojba intermediate class, 4x Exc 1. CAC new CH of Slovenia
22.10.2022 KCHMPP intermediate class, club show Exc.1 CAC/17
25.-27.11.2022 Triple CACIB Bratislava, intermediate class, 2xExc.1 CAC, 1x res. CACIB, 1x res. CAC
7.-19.2 IDS Nitra intermediate class, 3x Exs. res.CAC
31.3.-2.4.2023 IDS Bratislava, intermediate class, 2x Exc. CAC, res. CAC new CH of Slovakia
15.4.2023 IDS České Budějovice, intermediate class, Exc.3
22.-23.4.2022 By by Easter bunny ASCA, novice 1st place, open blue merle 2nd place, 1st +res. WD
ASCA Nationals 2023 Texas
Central Valley ASC Pre-show: Second Place from the Open Blue class under Erica Peters
CASA Pre-Show: Second Place in his Open blue class, under judge Star Mathis
ASCA Nationals 2023, Texas, Third Place in his Open blue class, under SBJ Christina Churchill
9.12.2023 NorCal ASC show WD, BOW, BOB under sr Breeder judge Becky DeLeon
17.2.2024 CENTRAL VALLEY ASC, am show WD, BOW under SBJ Jewel Fuls
pm show WD, BOW, BOB under SBJ Tina Burks
20.2.2024 NorCal ASC show WD, BOW under SBJ Laura Diebold -> new ASCA CH
24.2.2024 AKC WD
3.5. 2024 WD
4.5.2024 WD
26.5.2024 WD/BOW/BOB BOG1
27.5.2024 RWD
28.5.2024 WD
9.6.2024 BOB
NATURAL HERDING APTITUDE TEST FCI NHAT, Daniela Rájová (CZ), Nehvizdy, passed, 2023