CH, KlCh, Testimony’s GHOST RIDER, IHT3-TS


( Testimony's Duck Commander Testimony's Daisy Dukes)

DoB: August 20, 2018

|FCI Hips: HD:A| |FCI Elbows: ED:0 | OCD:neg.|  
|DOV (eyes): clear 2018, 2020| 

|CEA|PRA-prcd|HSF4 | MDR1|DM|NCL6|CMR1|HUU|all clear see PPG| PHA neg.
M Lokus SILV SINE: m/(Mc+)/M - m/(238)/267

|Height 20.8 inches (53cm)| Weight 52.9 pounds ( 24 kg)|

 | full dentition | scissors bite|
| ASCA: E207884 | AKC: DN55635201  | FCI: CMKU/AUP/5424/-19/18|

FCI DNA Profiled: Genomia, ASCA DNA-VP


Breeder: Jillian Ward

Owner: Darina Šablij & Bára Drahoňovská & Jillian Ward

KCHBO: Temperament Test 98/100
KCHBO 16th best hedring AUO 2022 with only 3 trials


 NATURAL HERDING APTITUDE TESTS “FCI NHAT”, passed  Sinikka Kumpusalmi (FIN), 4.7.2019
HWT TS, passed 31.8.2019
5.7.2020 Martinkovice, IHT1-TS, passed 95/100, out of 18, I. Horská
HT Martínkovice 28.8.2020 IHT1-TS (4/12)
29.8.2020 IHT2-TS passed 88/100 out of 10
19.9.2021 CACT Martínkovice IHT2-TS out of 8
28.5.2022 Těně, IHT2-TS out of 9, Saskia Clahsen-Polman
18.6.2022 Těně, IHT2-TS out of 12, Sinikka Kumpusalmi
27.8.2022 Martínkovice IHT3-TS passed (10/13), Petra Čapková

KCHBO club show junior class Exc.3/9 BIS blue-merle Inga Cerbule (LVA)
Regional dog show Liberec 14.9.2019 JBIS III Alexandra Grygarová
ASVA Summer Jam: 25.+26. Mai, 2nd place/5 in 6-9 months class
ASCCG show 7.3.2020 2nd + 1st place in Novice

Candidate to Czech CH 2x CAC/4

IDS Drusininkai (LT) 3x CAC, 3x res. CACIB - CH of Lithuania

30.4.2022 KCHMPP Club show working class Exc.1 CAC/3

7.-8.5.2022 KCHBO, Bochovice, working class, 2x Exc.1, CAC,ČKŠ and BIS blue-merle, new Club CH
16.-.18.7.2022 ASVA Show HOT SUMMER SHOW, open blue merle class, 3rd and 4th place
10.9.2022 Club show KCHBO Horka nad Moravou honor class, Exc.1